How to collect procmon logs as part of backup plan using scripts in pre/post commands

How to collect procmon logs as part of backup plan using scripts in pre/post commands


Process Monitor logs may be required to troubleshoot a backup issue. The issue may reproduce under various conditions and is sometimes random, preventing successful manual log collection.

This article provides a set of simple Windows batch scripts that can be used to initiate Process Monitor log collection as part of a scheduled backup plan without user interaction.


Process Monitor logs collection is a resource-heavy procedure. Make sure to set up the log collection carefully as incorrect usage may result in the overuse of local resources, especially disk space, resulting in potential system malfunction.

Unattended log collection assumes logs are being saved directly to files, which increases disk I/O load. To prevent potential backup/snapshot failures, we recommend saving logs to disks that are not actively utilized otherwise.


Obtain the software

  1. Download and unpack Procmon from Windows Sysinternals:
  2. Download the attached set of batch scripts:
  3. Unpack the scripts and Procmon to the same folder, e.g. "D:\Procmon". Make sure that "procmon.exe" and scripts are on the same level

Scripts usage


Main script that initiates log collection and sets up initial duration and timeout. Script accepts three parameters

1: duration value in seconds, if not specified the procmon log collection will have to be stopped manually
2: target folder to save procmon logs to, if not specified the procmon will be saved to the same folder where script is placed
3: timeout value in seconds, if not specified the procmon log collection will start immediately

stop_procmon.batScript that simply stops any procmon log collection. Takes no parameters
stop_procmon_after.batScript that stops any procmon log collection after a timeout. Takes one parameter - timeout value in seconds. If not specified the script will do nothing
stop_and_clear.batScript that stops any procmon log collection and cleans up logs collected from specified folder. Takes one parameter - target folder. If not specified logs will be deleted from the same folder where script is placed
del_procmon.batScript that deletes collected procmon logs. Takes one parameter - target folder. If not specified logs will be deleted from the same folder where script is placed

You can modify the scripts to your liking, but remember - Windows batch script creation is out of Acronis support scope. Scripts in this article are provided as an example, any issues with modified scripts need to be analyzed by the author of the modification.

Step-by-step (example)

  1. Unpack scripts and Procmon utility to "D:\Procmon" folder and create "Logs" folder inside on the device where the Agent is installed
  2. Edit the backup plan that will be used for troubleshooting
  3. Open the Backup options and navigate to Pre-post commands
  4. Specify the following parameters:

    • To initiate procmon logs collection when the backup starts enable "Command before backup".
      Logs will be saved to "D:\Procmon\Logs" and procmon log will stop automatically in 5 minutes (300 seconds)

      Command or batch filerun_procmon
      Working directoryD:\Procmon
      Arguments300 D:\Procmon\Logs
      Fail the backupunchecked
      Do not back up until completesunchecked
    • To stop procmon and clear logs as soon as the backup is finished enable "Command after backup".
      Procmon will stop immediately and logs will be deleted from "D:\Procmon\Logs" if the backup is successfully finished.
      This command will not trigger if the backup fails

      Command or batch filestop_and_clear
      Working directoryD:\Procmon
      Fail the backupunchecked
  5. In the Backup options navigate to "Pre-post data capture commands"

  6. Specify the following parameters

    • To stop running procmon logs collection 5 minutes after snapshot starts enable "Command before data capture"
      This command will trigger a 5-minute timeout and will terminate any running procmon afterward

      Command or batch filestop_procmon_after
      Working directoryD:\Procmon
      Fail the backupunchecked
      Do not back up until completesunchecked
    • To stop running procmon immediately after snapshot finishes enable "Command after data capture"

      Command or batch filestop_procmon
      Working directoryD:\Procmon
      Fail the backupunchecked
      Do not back up until completesunchecked
  7. After making the changes click Done and save changes in the backup plan. The next scheduled backup plan will generate logs according to the options used.


  • Avoid using "run_procmon.bat" without a duration - not setting duration may result in endless log collection that can only be stopped manually
  • "run_procmon.bat" does not accept skipping parameters. Duration must always be first, logs folder can only be specified after a duration and timeout can only be specified after the log folder. To change this behavior scripts need to be modified
  • Procmon will be running from the same user that is set as logon user for "Acronis Managed Machine Service". If this is an actual active user Procmon windows will become active (but minimized) on the desktop. If this is not an active user (e.g. Local System account) procmon processes will only be visible in Task Manager or similar utilities
  • "run_procmon.bat" script must be used in order to generate any logs; other scripts serve as a method of managing the logs and running procmon for best performance
  • Scripts are built to generate logs based on daily backups using the current date as the resulting log name. If you need to use the script on a backup that runs more frequently script needs to be modified, otherwise, it will re-write the existing daily log on each run
  • File-level backups by default do not force snapshot creation, this option is controlled by File-level backup snapshot backup plan option. The scripts specified in pre- and post- data capture may be skipped in such backups
  • "run_procmon.bat" and "del_procmon.bat" use local system date to define file names, for locales using '/' as a separator it is changed to '_' within the script
  • If you're using folder names that contain spaces make sure to enclose them in double quotes
  • Adapt scripts usage according to your needs, e.g.:
    • If you need to troubleshoot only the snapshot creation make sure to stop log collection on post-data capture command, you can also start procmon collection on pre-data capture command if you want to skip previous steps
    • If you know that backup fails within the first 3 minutes adjust the timeout to 180 accordingly to avoid running procmon for a longer period if the backup doesn't fail
    • If you need to keep the logs regardless of the backup failure do not utilize "stop_and_clear.bat" script in the backup plan
    • If you need to investigate an issue that happens during the backup and certainly after snapshot - you can start procmon collection on post-data capture command to reduce the resulting log size