Acronis Cyber Protect Self Installation

Acronis Cyber Protect Self Installation



Received activation email but not sure what to do next?

We are here to help. Please follow these steps.


Step 1 – Activating and Accessing your Acronis Console


Your activation email should look like this.


Click on “Activate account”.

Now you should be redirected to a webpage where it will ask you to activate your account and provide password.

Please choose a complex password for better security and we recommend enabling 2 factor authentication as well.



Now proceed by checking legal terms and click on Accept.





Step 2 – Agent Installation


Now let’s do an agent installation. Click on Show all Options which will take you to “Add devices”. Or you can do the same from "Add" option in top right corner off the console.


Select which platform you want to install agent on to. You will have option for online based installation as well as offline installation. 

You can choose offline installer for Windows also for 32 and 64bit devices.

Once downloaded proceed to open the setup file for installation.

Here you can either simply go with the default settings or can customize in case anything needs to be changed. You can also select what all modules needs to be installed as shown below.


Once done click on Done / Back if you want to customize installation further.

Installation procedure starts as show below.



Step 3 – Agent Registration


Upon completion of installation lets further proceed registering the device to your Acronis console.

Here you have two methods to do this.

  1. Clicking on “Register the machine” redirects you to Acronis console page and will ask you to login with the Acronis account which you want device to be registered to.
  2. “Show registration info” shows a temporary registration code / token which you can later paste into Acronis console as show in Method 2.


Method 1



Method 2


Registration code copied this way can be applied to Add devices -->  Registration Via Code --> Register


Paste this code here as show in below screenshot and click “Confirm Registration”



Upon successful completion you will receive an Installation Successful message from console as well as agent. Now your device should be added on console and will be visible under Devices --> All Devices

Step 4 – Plan Creation


To create a plan, select the device then --> Protect --> Create plan



 Now you should be presented by this screen shown below.


Here you can select which all modules need to be in this plan.

This includes a wide variety like Backup, Antivirus / Antimalware, Disaster Recovery, Vulnerability Assessment, Patch Management, Device Lock, URL Filtering etc.

Based on the modules you have selected you can further fine tune the plan.

For any further questions or assistance on plan creation you can reach us via following channels,


Email                       :

KB & Portal            :

Phone                     : +971 458 44 636

Chat Support         :