The backup of any kind fails with the following error message:
Failed to parse the XML.
| error 0x3b0001: Failed to parse the XML.
| line: 0x9a79f20828bcab0
| file: e:\72\enterprise\mms\managers\location\impl\manager.cpp:832
| function: LocationManagement::LocationManagerImpl::AddLocation
| IsReturnCode: 0x1
| $module: disk_bundle_vsa64_4670
Make sure that the error message states the following faulty function: LocationManagement.
The issue happens when the backup process cannot parse the XML file that is used to store information about Location (destination of the backup).
The issue can be solved by generating a new "locations" file.
Open C:\ProgramData\Acronis\BackupAndRecovery\MMS\Locations. If you have more than one destination, you would have several files in this folder. Each file stores information about one destination. Open them one by one in a text editor. If a file is an unreadable set of symbols, it is damaged:
To regenerate the file:
Retry backup, a new XML file will be generated.
Possible causes of the damage could be: